Style Rules by Shipley & Halmos' Sam Shipley and Jeff Halmos

Details had a talk with the minds behind Shipley & Halmos to bring you some solid style advice. Visit the Details site HERE to see the entire article, but here are the rules:

1. Wear some color, even in winter. Too many neutrals are boring.

2. The best jean jackets are vintage.

3. If you're into looking good, you should also be into living well. By that we mean give your apartment/house some love, not just your wardrobe.

4. Invest in a well-tailored suit. Although the "buy two suits, get three shirts, seven belts, 96 socks, and 34 ties FREE" deals are tempting, go with something nice and get it tailored to fit you perfectly.

5. And while we're on the topic of investing, find yourself a decent watch. It can be an item that lasts your lifetime.

6. Unless you're Burt Reynolds in 1972, exposing too much chest hair when wearing a woven shirt is not a good look. Trust us. And popping the collar—don't even go there!

7. If you look at an item of clothing and ask yourself, "What's that extra zipper for?" the likely answer is "Nothing". When in doubt, stick with the classics.

8. Double-breasted blazers are not for everyone. Neither are skinny jeans. The salesperson isn't always right. Know your body, what fits you best, and what feels comfortable.

9. A little fragrance goes a long way. Pay attention to the word little in this one.

10. Finally, allow your style to evolve. Try new things every so often. You never know where it will lead.
Check out their vintage sporting tumblr HERE and be on the lookout for their upcoming drop.


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